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Dedicated to Disneyland Paris Podcast

Welcome to the Dedicated to Disneyland Paris Podcast!

Aug 8, 2024

Beth and Marq find time in their busy schedules to bring you a podcast episode which is nevertheless surprisingly rich in information, even if we struggle to answer some seemingly simple listener questions. We discuss the upcoming D23 expo in Los Angeles, have the latest news regarding Disneyland Paris, and Love Our Listeners makes a resounding return to form with 3 letters!

This episode is also an Audio-only version. Perhaps it's the nostalgia for the good old format as we slowly age into our furture 200th episode, or perhaps we're just refursing to be content-puppets for big tech socials, but fans of our pre-YouTube shows can bask in a familar setting (inlcuding Main Street bagckground loop music!).


Keep an ear and aye out for the next episode, as it may drop even sooner that usual, depending on what happens at D23 regarding DLP. No promises.