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Dedicated to Disneyland Paris Podcast

Welcome to the Dedicated to Disneyland Paris Podcast!

Sep 27, 2015

After episode 59 of the podcast we are back, with the second thrilling installment of the fascinating interview with Tim Delaney, as we delve deep into the beginnings of Disneyland Paris 'Space Mountain and all the hurdles that they faced along the way, and the bunny that was used during testing. We hear the...

Sep 21, 2015

After a brief roundup of the latest news, listen to part one of the fascination interview with Ex Disneyland Paris Creative Director, Producer & Field Art Director of Discoveyland Tim Delaney as we hear about his beginnings as an artist, working on EPCOT, solving the problem of how to make the future timeless, how to...

Sep 13, 2015

As is always the case, just days after the last episode, the news and rumours came flooding in. So this episode is a bumper catch up on Marvel in Walt Disney Studios, changes and additions too Christmas in Disneyland Paris, new shows in both Parks, Characters returning to the on site Disney hotels and much more. We even...